Creating Marketing Content That Works for Customers & SEO

Many business owners & managers often feel intimidated, confused, and shy about creating online copy (written content) for sales, marketing collateral, ad campaigns, or website content.

Regardless of the reason, many find writing content a daunting and overwhelming task.

While traditional forms of marketing may seem old-hat and easy (such as brochures, flyers, print ads); many people mistakenly believe writing online content is more difficult.

Yes, search engines take into account such things as keywords that can help ranking in search results. However, the overall theory behind writing for websites or online campaigns is really no different than writing for offline campaigns.

Whether writing copy for online or offline marketing, more common sense is used, than a degree in writing.

Regardless of media type, well written content will include the following:

Message Aimed At Proper Audience

As with any advertising campaign, making sure the content speaks and relates to the target audience is the first key to success. A successful business will know who the target audience is, and use appropriate language to communicate with this group of consumers.

  • Use language that is clear to the target audience.
  • Don't use language above their reading level.
  • Don't use lingo or slang terminology unfamiliar to the target audience, as they may not understand or misinterpret.
  • Make the content of the message clear with no ambiguity.
  • Eliminate any potential confusion.

Clear CTA's (Calls To Action)

Another factor of successful marketing content will include a clear Call To Action, also known as CTA.

CTA's are imperative to capture the visitor's attention and direct them how to "Act Now".

Many people write content with the thought that it's "intuitive" that the person "should know" to click or call now to receive the offer.

Such an assumption can lead to failure as most people are overwhelmed with all the information in front of them, taking everything in at once.

This is where using clear CTA's will eliminate any confusion, and create an understandable line of action to move forward, purchase, or submit their information to be contacted.

CTA's should be set apart from normal content paragraphs; perhaps in a heading or button format, so as to make it clear that this is an actionable item.

Proper Keywords & Phrases

When writing content for offline or online marketing, keywords and related phrases will occur naturally pending the content is descriptive using product details, service names, related attributes, or key features & benefits.

As discussed in many keyword related articles, keywords are simply the "important" and "relative" words best describing a process, industry, company, product, or service:

  • Keywords are descriptive, NOT vague.
  • Ideally keywords and phrases should be the literal terms or names used to describe:
    • processes
    • products
    • services
    • industry related terminology and jargon.
  • Often the important keywords already exist in the company's offline marketing materials.

Regardless of the medium the content is written for (whether brochures, websites, ads, etc), avoid using vague, nondescript words such as "it", "that" or "those". Instead use descriptive verbiage for stronger, more persuasive, and effective content.

Note the Benefit for Customers

Today's consumers have the internet at their fingertips, and can research literally anything, from anywhere, at anytime. When it comes time to buy, customers want to know that a product or service's features will benefit their needs as a consumer. The best way to meet this need is with descriptive, in-depth content, with clear CTA's for company offerings.

Beneficial content will portray the following:

  • Accurately describe all aspects and attributes of a product or service that may benefit the customer.
  • Delve deep into the customer problems a product or service may solve.
  • Explain to the client exactly how to engage, and enjoy the benefits of the product or service.

Content that is descriptive, verbose, and covers all possible resources a prospect may need, will be the most successful when it comes time to convert that visitor into a paying client.

Strong, effective content also helps with natural search engine optimization.

Written Content & Search Engine Optimization

The term search engine ranking has been around for a while. Most people today understand that ranking refers to:

where a website appears in a list of search results (such as on Google) when a search for a specific term, or phrase is performed.

However, many people still struggle to understand what factors come into play when a search engine decides to rank XYZ Website as #1, and ABC Website as #10.

By writing content rich in commonly used, descriptive keywords, and phrases that relate to the product, service, or industry; the content of the website is "naturally" optimized for search engines. This natural optimization helps the website, or online campaign, receive higher ranking in search results.

Search engines want to see content that is built for the end-user. The content must appeal to potential customers wishing to gain more information about a particular product, service, or industry.

Not only do search engines want to see major keywords used throughout the online content, but they also want to see supporting keyword phrases that relate to the main keywords.

For example:
A business selling pool supplies should not only use the keyword "pool" or "pool supplies" within the website content. In addition, the content should include descriptions, variations, and industry related jargon that go along with pools and related supplies; such as pool filters, pool screens, pool covers, cleaning supplies, and so on.

In Summary

There are few better qualified people to write content for a any company than the owner, manager, or seasoned employee. These individuals are best versed in the industry jargon, related-terms, and potential questions customers ask than most anyone else.

Keyword-rich content, married with clear use of Calls to Action, are key to writing effective content that will convert visitors from prospects to customers. Use a sales voice, and the same language or words, to promote a company's products, services, features, and related benefits online, as used offline.

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