Dynamic HTML Editor
Affordable Web Development WYSIWYG & HTML Program

Provided by Hexagora Software

Dynamic HTML Editor is a powerful HTML (WEB page) Editor that permits you to create your site in a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment using both CSS and/or tabled layouts. Dynamic HTML Editor's design emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. You'll find that you can create great looking websites almost instantly with virtually no learning curve! Also great for creating server pages (asp, jsp, php, cfm, ...)!

Major features

  • 100% WYSIWYG, no need to know HTML/XHTML code
    Dynamic HTML Editor is a WEB page editor 100% WYSIWYG, simply play with your mouse and create pages compatible with all browsers (W3C compliant code)!
  • No need for other software
    You can edit and rotate/resize images, apply 55+ effects, create shapes, apply stencils to images, manage transparency, create stylesheets, slide shows, publish your site to the internet in a click
  • Reuse your work
    You can import pre-made HTML pages into Dynamic HTML Editor in a very simple way!
  • Templates
    Dynamic HTML Editor includes quality templates and there is a section in this site where you can find some others
  • Multilanguage support
    What about working with your native language? See Ini Translation Utility.
  • Dynamic Web Page Creation
    You can create beautiful menus, rollover-rollclick effects, play/stop music, launch javascript functions and much more!

*Opens in a new window & is a 3rd party website not related to Advertising Solutions, Limited.

Dynamic HTML Editor - Free Web Development WYSIWYG & HTML Program

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